ARC Review Dreadful by Caitlin Rozakis


I was given a copy to review from Titan Books and Netgalley. My reviews are always honest and all opinions are my own and freely given.     #Dreadful #CaitlinRozakis #Fantasy #TitanBooks #Netgalley   #ARCReview #BookReview  #FreeReview #AdPR #Gifted


A sharp-witted, debut high fantasy farce featuring killer moat squid, toxic masculinity, evil wizards and a garlic festival – all at once. Perfect for fans of T. Kingfisher, K. J. Parker and Travis Baldree.
It’s bad enough waking up in a half-destroyed evil wizard’s workshop with no eyebrows, no memories, and no idea how long you have before the Dread Lord Whomever shows up to murder you horribly and then turn your skull into a goblet or something.
It’s a lot worse when you realize that Dread Lord Whomever is… you.
Gav isn’t really sure how he ended up with a castle full of goblins, or why he has a princess locked in a cell. All he can do is play along with his own evil plan in hopes of getting his memories back before he gets himself killed.
But as he realizes that nothing – from the incredibly tasteless cloak adorned with flames to the aforementioned princess – is quite what it seems, Gav must face up to all the things the Dread Lord Gavrax has done. And he’ll have to answer the hardest question of all – who does he want to be?
A high fantasy farce featuring killer moat squid, toxic masculinity, an evil wizard convocation, and a garlic festival. All at once. All in all, Dread Lord Gavrax has had better weeks.


This might not be for everyone but it most certainly was for me. I love fantasy be it in books, games or any form really. I love high and epic fantasy, I love urban fantasy and, well you get the idea. So Dreadful was perfect for me since it takes some of the elements of fantasy and turns them on their head, makes a comedy of sorts of the whole thing and I loved every minute of it. Now what Dreadful doesn’t do is go into great detail of the worlds or cultures, we don’t get lots of insight into each and every character as such but what we do get is a fun and enjoyable read that you will find hard to put down.

I loved the storyline that mixes the stereotypical ‘evil overlord’ with someone who seemingly has amnesia and is trying very hard to be THAT evil person but failing miserably at it. I particularly did like how Rozakis uses this to explore topics that are extremely relevant today such as toxic masculinity and the idea of ‘beautiful’ princesses. Honestly I loved every minute of it. the characters were fleshed out well enough to get attached, I particularly liked the goblins myself.

If you are a fan of fantasy and want something a bit more light hearted but still with a bit of adventure this is the one for you.


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