Read Along Review Through Fire and Shadow The Forged and The Fallen Book 2 by R.M. Schultz


I was given a copy to review as part of a read along by Love Book Tours and the Author. My reviews are always honest and all opinions are my own and freely given.     #ThroughFireAndShadow #TheForgedandTheFallenBook2 #RMSchultz #LBTFantasy #LoveBookTours #LBTCrew #BookTourReview #BookReview  #FreeReview #AdPR #Gifted


Kingdoms will burn. Heroes will rise.

At the decimated outpost of Nevergrace, Cyran Orendain and his companions stand watch. They await the full onslaught of Murgare’s retaliation. But one has turned against them and another village has been ravaged by whatever lurks in the woods.

With lady of the Never by her side, Cyran’s sister Jaslin arrives at the king’s city of Galvenstone to answer a summons. She will find the answers to the queen’s murder and the darkness lurking beneath the streets, no matter what—or who—stands in her way.

Meanwhile, Pravon the dragon thief follows the dragon assassin across the lands of Cimeren, hunting for emissaries who seek to bring peace between the kingdoms. For only one path can stop the coming war, and they will ensure this path is never found.

As the Dragon Queen returns from the Evenmeres, only those at Nevergrace sense the coming danger. The danger that stalks the far side of the Lake on Fire. Another prowls within the forest.

The growing shadows will consume all of the kingdoms and cover the lands in blood and dragon fire..


The Forged and The Fallen series is a brilliant epic fantasy that contains everything you could ever want from major battles, twists and turns and of course dragons. Before I go any further I will say if you love fantasy then you should read this series. Yes the books are hefty but you will blaze through them because Schultz knows how to keep readers gripped and engaged.

The first thing I adore about this series (is technically the dragons but we’ll get to that) is the world building. As readers we get to know the world well but in such a way that Schultz doesn’t fall into the trap of dumping information. In fact it’s clear the world is already well developed and we learn what we need to as we go be it along with the characters or naturally through the course of the book. The second thing is the characters. Even minor characters have been fleshed out and brought to life so much so that you remember them after they have left the page. These two aspects merge together to bring the world to life and create a vivid, almost living, picture in the readers mind. Now of course the main thing I adored was the dragons and different kinds and types we encounter.

It is safe to say that this is a series that I think most fantasy fans will enjoy. Schultz keeps you engaged throughout, not once did I find myself wanting to skip or skim the pages and I think this was only aidded by the multiple POVs in the novel. After reading Through Blood and Dragons last year I was excited for the second instalment and let me say this one does not disappoint. An easy 5 stars from me and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for this series.


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